Picture Page! (Where's Mortimer?)

The Mullins Clan


Sent-in Photos

Picture of the "Week"


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To those of you who get the Mortimer reference above, you rule.
Ok, so here are the pictures. Most of them are Duke-ish, with a few gems thrown in for
the enjoyment of the fellas in WMass. One thing to note, a lot of the Myrtle pictures mysteriously
ended up panoramic, so there will be some scrolling involved to see all of these pics. But, I think
most of them are worth it......

I promised drunked revelry at Myrtle, did I not? What better way to start than with the Gak laughing at drunk me?

Yeah, so things went downhill from having a card stuck to my forehead....

Apparently, I thought whatever was going on was pretty funny. I wonder if I was talking while I was lying there drunk? Anyone? Guesses?

Kyle thought my idea was so money that he joined me. (And will the drunk photographer fess up? I am not sure who's guilty of taking this one...)

Good News is, we both survived. Those quick on the draw realize I am wearing my Hairy Crabs jersey in this picture, which would later be covered in "pricks" as I rolled on the ground....

Sarah thought she'd set a new trend with the skirt and pants combo. Too bad I was incapable of framing the picture properly when I took it....

Mick-Daddy and I at Swells

Amazing, I took ONE picture at Myrtle that came out good.

Am I a lucky guy or what?

Unh! You can do it, put your Gak into it!

Speaking of Gak, how about this outfit for the Maxwell colors party? Yes, that is a lobster on a chain.

Check out the Massholes mingling with the Crazies to see Shane's number retired

Will you LOOK at the seat this kid got? (Photo Enhancement by Mullins Inc.)

That reminds me, how did that year's team do? Allright huh?

Chris, seriously, smile. We're graduating bro!

There we go, we got a smile out of Big Red this time.

Me, Sarah, and her proud papa.

Bionerds! Salute!

So, you're actually going to give me a diploma? Should I pretend I like you?

My biology independent study: The evolution of the Gak

Mike's 21 at the Down Under. Look! I am still capable of sitting in a chair!

Um, Mickey...why are you, um....nevermind.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly... you can decide who's who.

I had to include another of Sarah, she's too beautiful to leave out.

Trip #352 to the Potholes

I swear this is an optical illusion... that is until I see Sib ducking to come in through my door...

So Matty's thinking: How can I get Carolyn naked? We're in friggin' Disney World....

Yeah, and we laughed at your mom for putting the First Aid kit in the car right Sib?

Shh! You'll wake Michaelangelo.

Couldn't forget Ripley! This is back when he was just a little ripper....